


来源:ok138太阳集团 阅读次数: 日期:2020-04-13

曲阜师范大学兼职硕士生导师。2018年6月毕业于山东农业大学植物学专业。主讲《植物学》、《植物生理学》等课程。目前主持国家重点研发计划子课题、山东省自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金等项目。以第一作者(共一)和通讯作者身份在《Journal of Experimental Botany》、《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》、《Molecular Plant Pathology》等刊物上发表SCI论文16篇。授权国家专利6项。


[1] 王文强(2/16),小麦雄性不育的分子调控及设计育种应用(2022YFF1002300),中国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划子课题, 40万元,2022.11-2027.11

[2] 王文强(1/1),顺式玉米素O-糖基转移酶基因调控小麦滞绿的机理研究(ZR2020QC113),山东省自然科学基金委,山东省自然科学基金青年项目,15万元,2021.01-2023.12


[1] Wang WQ, Guan XZ, Gan Y, Liu GJ, Zou CH, Wang WK, Zhang JF, Zhang HF, Hao QQ, Ni F, Wu JJ, Epstein L, Fu DL*.2024. Creating large EMS populations for functional genomics and breeding in wheat. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 23: 484–493

[2] Wang WQ, Zhang GQ, Wang WL, Wang ZG, Lv YL, Guo FX, Di YD, Zhang JF, Wang YH, Wang W, Li YY, Hao QQ*. 2023. cZOGT1 interacts with TaZIP to regulate senescence by affecting cytokinin and abscisic acid levels in wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany 74: 6619–6630.

[3] Wang WQ, Zhang JA, Guo FX, Di YD, Wang YH, Li WK, Sun YL, Wang TH, Ni F, Fu DL, Wang W, Hao QQ*. 2022. Role of reactive oxygen species in lesion mimic formation, and confers basal resistance to Fusarium graminearum in barley lesion mimic mutant 5386. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:1020551.

[4] Wang WQ*, Zhang GQ, Yang SL, Zhang JY, Deng YM, Qi J, Wu JJ, Fu DL, Wang W, Hao QQ*. 2021. Overexpression of isochorismate synthase enhances drought tolerance in barley. Journal of Plant Physiology 260: 153404.

[5] Wang WQ*, Yang Y, Deng YM, Wang ZG, Yuan YC, Yang SL, Qi J, Wu JJ, Fu DL, Wang W, Hao QQ*. 2021. Overexpression of isochorismate synthase enhances salt tolerance in barley. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 162: 139–149.

[6] Yang JJ, Zhang GQ, An J, Li QX, Chen YH, Zhao XY, Wu JJ, Wang Y, Hao QQ, Wang WQ*, Wang W*. 2020. Expansin gene TaEXPA2 positively regulates drought tolerance in transgenic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Science 298: 110596.

[7] Wang WL#, Wang WQ#, *, Wu YZ, Li QX, Zhang GQ, Shi RR, Yang JJ, Wang Y, Wang W*. 2020. The involvement of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) U‐box E3 ubiquitin ligase TaPUB1 in salt stress tolerance. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 62(5): 631-651.

[8] Wang WQ*, Li QX, Tian FX, Deng YM, Wang WL, Wu YZ, Yang JJ, Wang Y, Hao QQ*, Wang W*. 2019. Wheat NILs contrasting in grain size show different expansin expression, carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism that are correlated with grain yield. Field Crops Research 241: 107564.

[9] Wang WQ*, Hao QQ, Wang WL, Li QX, Chen FJ, Wang Y, Wu JJ*, Wang W*. 2019. The involvement of cytokinin and nitrogen metabolism in delayed flag leaf senescence in a wheat stay-green mutant, tasg1. Plant Science 278: 70-79.

[10] Hao QQ, Lyu B, Tang YH, Wang DY, Li YY, Li QL, Wang YH, Wang WQ*. 2019. Deterioration of Antioxidant Competence in Barley Lesion Mimic Mutant 194. Phyton, International Journal of Experimental Botany 88: 109-117.

[11] Hao QQ#, Wang WQ#, Han XL, Wu JZ, Lyu B, Chen FJ, Caplan A, Fu DL. 2018. Isochorismate-based salicylic acid biosynthesis confers basal resistance to Fusarium graminearum in barley. Molecular Plant Pathology 19: 1995-2010.

[12] Wang WQ, Tian FX, Hao QQ, Han YY, Wang W. 2018. Improved salt tolerance in a wheat stay-green mutant tasg1. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 40: 39-51.

[13] Wang WQ, Hao QQ, Wang WL, Li QX, Wang W. 2017. The genetic characteristics in cytology and plant physiology of two wheat (Triticum aestivum) near isogenic lines with different freezing tolerances. Plant Cell Report 36: 1801-1814.

[14] Tian FX#, Wang WQ#, Liao C, Wang W. 2017. Overaccumulation of glycine betaine makes the function of the thylakoid membrane better in wheat under salt stress. Crop Journal 5: 73-82.

[15] Wang WQ, Hao QQ, Tian FX, Li QX, Wang W. 2016. The stay-green phenotype of wheat mutant tasg1 is associated with altered cytokinin metabolism. Plant Cell Report 35: 585-599.

[16] Wang WQ, Hao QQ, Tian FX, Li QX, Wang W. 2016. Cytokinin-regulated sucrose metabolism in stay green wheat phenotype. Plos One 11: e01613514.


[1] 王文强,郝群群,付道林,张继发,肖艳梅。一种便携式小麦穗部套袋装置。2024,中国,ZL 202322507818.X。

[2] 王文强,邹春好,郝群群,付道林,张继发,张会飞。种质资源保存柜。2024,中国,ZL202322072652.3。

[3]王文强,许方涛,付道林,郝群群,肖艳梅,周慧文,邹春好,李晓涵。 一种内置微型工作台的新型培养皿。2023中国,ZL202222792403.7

[4] 王文强,付道林,郝群群,肖艳梅,张继发。一种籽粒分选系统。2023,中国,ZL202222716175.5。

[5] 王文强,付道林,张继发,肖艳梅,郝群群。一种可调节镇压强度的田间镇压装置。2023,中国,ZL202223199627.3
